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Why Now??

Hey hey!! Soooo we are getting to know one another and it seems like y'all are a bit shy!!

Why don't we get the ball rolling with some questions.....I'LL START!?!!

Why did I choose to start a blog? Why now??

I'm writing a book. It's necessary. More on this later. Despite collaborating with other highly talented and intelligent individuals, I have been struggling to find the inspiration to continue writing said book. Blogging seemed like the next logical step. Why? Welllll, mostly because I am hoping for some feedback surrounding the struggles of staying fit. I've worked with hundreds of fabulous people with a variety of reasons for wanting to become or stay fit. We (yes, myself included) have a plethora of reasons why we can't/won't invest in ourselves or simply don't want to. We are human. Honestly, we all have the same 24/7. It's just how you choose to prioritize your day.

But Back To You!

Each of us has a unique story, and I would be thrilled to hear yours! It's possible that if we have crossed paths at the gym, I might already be familiar with your story, but please share it nonetheless! Feel free to contact me via email or leave a comment below. What does your fitness journey entail? What motivated you to begin or persist in your exercise routine? What roadblocks have you faced along the way? What do you wish you knew sooner? What do you wish was easier? Here's the biggie: What advice do you have for your younger self regarding your health and fitness?

And Back To Me!

I am going to try to share some of the enjoyment I get from my "job" of helping folks reach their fitness goals in the form of what I will now to refer to as: 'Quotes from the Black Top'.


One of my small group members often exclaims, "I'm completely clueless about what I should be doing!" This statement is a favorite of mine because it never fails to make me laugh, especially given how frequently it's said.

"No, I'm not doing that." Yes, our training session is mostly a democracy and there is a little wiggle room for negotiation. The reality is, though, 97% of the time, we do that thing anyway.

It's always nice to see a zealous opinion surrounding my choice of programming for you.

I want to hear from you!

love and lifting,


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4 comentários

Stephen Alexander
Stephen Alexander
12 de nov.

Q. What advice do you have for your younger self regarding your health and fitness?

A. Just start and aim high. Some say starting is the hardest part... Not too sure about that, but it's definitely a critical prerequisite...LBVS

For me, the relative sputtering of my commitment and availability and injuries ensured an elongated journey with several restarts, but starting sooner would have increased my time in class and aiming higher would have exposed me to greater possibilities.

12 de nov.
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Wow. I'm special. I didn't see my reply so I sent it again. :-/

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