Let me start by stating that, for many, this is not considered common sense. So let's talk about what it is, why it exists, and how to do it right.
Gym etiquette involves acting in a way that does not negatively impact others around you. It's not any different than using your manners as you go about your day, every day. So how is this different than just good manners? Some of these GE rules only apply in the gym obviously.
Why do these 'secret rules' exist? To keep peace and harmony in the gym. We often see the same people during our lifting times and move in harmony, if I can get a little poetic. Throw in a few new faces and it throws off what was a very nice balance. Again...think 'as to not negatively impact others around you.'
Re-rack your weights. Every time. If you load up a machine, unload it when you are done. If you're done with your dumb bells, put them back. When we have to put your weights away, it impacts us negatively.
2. Try, with about 90% effort, not to stand in front of someone using a mirror. Stand off to the side or behind them if that's an option. I can say with 100% certainty that those lifters who use mirrors to train, and I'm hoping that most of you do, do so to correct form and watch for progress. Most of these men and women do the majority of their posing in front of their bathroom mirror.
Wipe off and/or cleanse any bench or space where you left some form of body goo. Yes, it's a gym, and yes, most of us get sweaty—dare I say gross. And nobody wants to sit or lie in your body fluids.
Wearing ear buds signals a wish not to be disturbed. Many regular gym attendees visit for stress relief, often using ear buds to seek a brief escape. Try to respect this.
Use your supersets if the gym is not crowded. Let's face it, sometimes our favorite gym becomes crowded, especially around the New Year, Spring Break, or back-to-school time. Try to be sensitive to those around you by not using more than your fair share of equipment. Conversely, if you approach a space where it appears that another gym goer is supersetting, allow them to finish. Maybe I'm being a little naive, but I believe that most people are not *ssholes but sometimes, it's best not to find out.
Keep your music and podcasts and body odor to yourself.
You are within your rights to ask someone how many sets they have left. Please don't hover and try to be patient. We share our equipment! Asking one politely how much more time they need, is not a crime. Also, don't make the assumption that someone sitting on a bench or machine while on their phone is wasting time scrolling. They may very well be following a workout program that happens to be on their phone.
That's it!!
There is nothing that secretive or deep about picking up on some good gym etiquette. It keeps everyone happy usually and isn't that what we all really want.... happiness??

Important Note
Gym vocalization. I left this out intentionally, but we can briefly discuss it because it can be quite funny.
Black top story: I was coaching a client during a busy evening and was positioned near a group of 3-4 young men. They were encouraging each other and getting in a decent lift. One of them let out a "woohoooo!" I then echoed him because his buddies didn't seem to share in his enthusiasm. This happened a couple more times and I, loving to share in everybody's happy gym moments, whooped right back. The very next moment that this young man let out a noise, I slowly began to realize that he has Tourette's Syndrome, as this particular "sound" was not of encouragement. I looked at his buddies who were paying no extra attention to ANY sounds coming out of their friend.
My point?? Well, first of all only to point out that I'm a huge dork AND it's kinda funny.
Also, to point out that people know when they are making porn sounds with each rep. They know. They are looking for attention. The yellers? Same. I do want to pose this question though....have you been able to lift heavy to failure without make any sounds?? It's not easy. You have to exhale at some point and sometimes, you become vocal.
You may pass gas or pee a little too. But that's some other fun stories for another day.
Fire off all of your pet peeves related to gym etiquette! I want to hear from you and maybe some of what you have encountered!
Love and Lifting,